Revive, Renew and Restart

As we all re-emerge back to a less restricted world,

it comes as no surprise that many of us are experiencing

a range of emotions and expectations regarding our next steps.

This continues to be a very challenging time!


Coach/Trainers Kathleen Fanning and Niall Heenan,

have noted an emerging theme from their coaching clients during the pandemic...

The need for self care and resilience, which is their primary focus.

To learn more, they recently organised a survey on the subject

and have encountered some interesting findings!


According to the survey:

40% of respondents were excited to start back into a more ‘normal’ world.

While over a third stated that they were ‘a bit anxious’. 

Half of the respondents stating that ‘while things had taken a toll, they were bouncing back’.

A further 40% reported that their self care and resilience were strong.

  • This would suggest that there has been a high level of awareness among people around the need for self care and positive mental health practices over the last 15 months.

Over a quarter of respondents are seeking a supportive network and community to enable them to share challenges and experiences.

  • Such an online community could be an informal network or virtual coffee meet-ups that allow for connection and a reduction in isolation.

The survey showed that what is needed to enable people to continue their journey back into the world again, is support and learning in the areas of Managing Time and Goals and Strategies for the future.


In response to these needs, and drawing on their vast experience,

Kathleen and Niall have created

Revive, Renew and Restart 2!!

an online programme designed to support people experiencing the impact of the Pandemic.



An engaging & interactive 6 week online programme

Topics include:


▪️Owning our strengths and values

▪️Managing ourselves and our time

▪️Building our resilience toolkit

▪️Visualising the future & creating action plans

▪️Moving forward with ease



New Programme beginning in November!

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Funding may be available for Irish Residents